get clear. get confident. get going.

I see you. You’re smart, ambitious, and motivated. You have goals. You know what you want and are capable of and sometimes, you walk out of a situation and shake your head…things did not go how you hoped they would.

Here’s the thing…hope is not a strategy…PREPARATION is.

Maybe you did some homework, but what you probably didn’t do, was get really clear on your intentions for the situation.

What intentions?

How you want to show up and, what a successful outcome looks like. Knowing what you want and then mentally prepare for it.  Like Olympic athletes do. For real. 

It all starts with intention…

Get Clear

would you call a taxi, jump in and say “Don’t take me to the airport”?  Sounds ludicrous, doesn’t it? Yet knowing what you don’t want or want to avoid is often more clear to you than what you actually want…

Are you walking into situations that really matter, without any idea of how you want to show up, or what a successful outcome looks like? If you don’t know what your desired outcome is, how will you know you’ve achieved it?

Wouldn’t you rather be the person who walks into any situation with the confidence that you’re ready to get what you want?

The difference between people who get what they want and the rest of the crowd? They don't leave things to chance. They get really clear on their intention for any situation and they prepare for it. What’s possible when you get really clear on your desired outcome and prepare for it? You’re able to show up confidently, with your best stuff, in your best performance state. Wouldn’t that be great!?

get confident

You’ve figured out what you want…great! Now what? It takes practice to show up with confidence or any other state you want to show up with. Maybe for you, it’s focus or courage.

The really cool thing is you already have all the skills, strengths, and capabilities you need to show up with confidence. Really! You’ve just lost touch with them. I promise.

So how do we reconnect you with them?

This is the fun part!  Once you know what you want, we’ll work through some exercises and conversation to get you really clear on how you see the whole situation playing out.  Mental rehearsal**…just like professional athletes do. If you’re able to imagine it happening and walk through it, it feels like it’s already done. Your brain doesn’t know the difference! This is key to confidently showing up when it counts.

** Copy link below and paste into your browser:

get going

Now that you’re really clear about what you want and how you want to show up, it’s time to take some action.  Try out what you’ve practiced and notice what changes, because change will happen.

Then repeat. Often.

Practice getting clear on what you want. Do the preparation to get it. Take action. Simple? Yes. Easy? It’s a practice. When you practice you’ll start to make shifts that build your confidence and over time… it can transform you.

Sound like something you could use?

Contact me for a chat to see if we’re a fit.

… reconnect with your confidence…

let’s Chat!

647 269 7824


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