Quick Confidence Tips for YOU…

Confidence Starts with You!


Quick Confidence Tips…

These quick tips are meant to inspire you in the moment. To shift your perspective. To let you know…You’ve got this!


Practice progression over perfection.

Practice. Fail. Learn. Repeat.

And the one that often gets overlooked?


Remember...you’re human.


Before you listen to the voice in your head…

…make sure it’s yours.


Every expert, without exception, started out as a beginner.

Remember this the next time you’re thinking you “should” be…“you fill in the blank” here…

Confidence comes from doing.


When someone says, “If I was in your shoes I’d…”

Take a breath, and allow yourself to hear your own voice…

They’re not in your shoes.

Trust Yourself.


Starting something new?


Two steps forward…three steps back…

This is a part of the process.

Be kind. Be patient. Be consistent.

You’re doing great!


You’re never going to feel:

Ready enough.

Confident enough.

Prepared enough.

Whatever your “enough” is…

to do that thing you want to do.

Remember, no one has it all figured out. No one. Start now. Take one step. You’ve got this.


Fear is a liar.

It magnifies what can go wrong


minimizes what can go right.

It’s a cognitive bias…what you focus on grows.

Pay attention…what are you focusing on?


It's never as bad as you think it's going to be. 


Done new things before…

Done difficult things before…

Failed before…

Taken a risk before…

and realized that all of them were worth it!

You’ve got this!


Stop playing small. The world needs what you have to offer.


Show up. Be yourself. Speak up. Take up space!

And watch your confidence soar!


Growing confidence requires letting go of:





All of these are yours and within your span of control…

Where do you want to start?


Trust your instincts!

Before you start to overthink…take a moment. Get curious about the information you have in that moment… usually in your gut or heart.

That’s often where the gold is.


Every now and then check in with your self-talk and ask yourself:

Is this helping me grow my confidence?


Is this stopping me from growing my confidence?

Noticing is the first step in course correction…


Say YES!

Say yes BEFORE...

You have it all figured out.
You feel ready.
It's "perfected".

Say YES and then go figure it out!
