Connect to your confidence

Connect to YOUR Confidence!

“Connect to Your Confidence” Workshops

Walk away with a deeper connection to your confidence

You don’t have to spill the beans to have a game changing workshop experience! With a focus on women in corporate settings I create and deliver small (8 to 16 participants) group workshops that open up a different perspective on confidence.

I see you…you’re skeptical. Me too! My corporate background specifically in the pharmaceutical industry has equipped me with an understanding of how “typical” workshops go. Quite frankly, nothing puts people into fight, flight or freeze quicker than the thought of being “called out”, having to “role play”, or “share” with the people they work with.

You can relax and exhale now.

what can you expect?

Your workshop experience is framed by privacy and safety which is key for adult learning…especially in their work environment! Let’s face it, once the toothpaste is out of the tube it’s pretty much impossible to put it back in. That’s not how these workshops go.

Through a series of exercises, written reflection and discussion, participants are able to safely explore the following:

  • Briefly explore reasons for not feeling confident.

  • Why being confident matters to them.

  • What confidence “feels” like for them.

  • The three Components of “The Confidence Recipe”.

  • Three Tips that they can implement immediately to start boosting their confidence.

  • How “borrowing” confidence can help them.

Participants connect to their confidence in a way that allows them to implement practices as soon as they leave the workshop.

What's the vision I have for you?

You’ll walk away from my workshop with a new perspective on how YOU do confidence.  I guarantee it. If you show up open, curious and willing, then yes, I guarantee it.  How can I be so sure?  My workshops blend my corporate, coaching, NLP and life experiences together to create a unique way of tapping into your confidence. You’ll walk away with a different perspective on your own confidence all while in a safe and supportive environment. 

Curious… Contact me


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