Playing it safe?

Sitting on the fence...staying where you are...biding your time? It happens.

All of these are okay...until they're not.

As humans it feels safe, we're biased towards the familiar, and so consequently, the devil you know will always be better than taking a chance elsewhere. We have a natural bias towards the negative. It served our ancestors well...they actually had to look at every stick as if it was a snake. Just in case.

Because our brain's number one job is to keep us alive, we perceive everything new and different as a potential threat. It's not a fault in your system. It's just a reality.

It's this reality that can keep you stuck in a situation because it feels comfortable and safe, even if it's not ideal. Staying in what you know despite not being satisfied or fulfilled, feels safer sometimes than stepping out to do something different.

I get it.

It wasn't until a couple years ago when I examined what I was up to and where I was headed, that I realized I was playing it safe. I was sitting on the fence, and not taking the steps I needed to become who I was meant to become. It takes courage to acknowledge that where you're at is not where you're meant to be. Your expansion and growth depends on you stepping out and moving in order to get to your next big thing.

It's not easy!

Are you hanging out in a space that's no longer serving you? Has it got to the point where staying is stunting your growth? Unfortunately, as human beings we're wired for the familiar and the familiar feels safe to us. That's why we continue to do things that aren't in our best interest. Staying in relationships that aren't necessarily nurturing us and helping us grow.

Take a look at yourself right now. 

  • Where are you at?

  • Are you growing?

Or are you staying somewhere because it feels safe and comfortable? That's okay! You're human.

When it's not okay?

  • When you're questioning where you are.

  • When you're feeling unsettled and know that there's more for you.

If this sounds like you, you're not alone. Wanting more and feeling afraid because you don't know what's behind the next door are completely normal feelings. The thing is, there might be something amazing behind that door!

Let's remedy that.

You don't have to navigate everything on your own. Read that again. Let's normalize the idea that getting help is not's a strength. Recognizing that you've exhausted all of your resources on your own and still aren't where you want to be is actually brilliant. Why is it brilliant? Because now you know you're ready to take another step. You know that in order to get to the next level, you're going to have to do things that you haven't done before.

So where do you start?

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

I know I sound like a broken record’s always about acknowledging:

  • Where you're at.

    • Really taking stock.

  • How you feel about your current situation?

    • Being really honest with yourself.

You have to acknowledge where you are in order to take the steps to get where you want to go, even if you don't know where that destination is quite yet. That's okay, we work from where you are. Don't wait until you have it all figured out because you might wait a very long time.

Wouldn't you rather be living your most fulfilled life now?

It takes courage to recognize that you're stuck somewhere you don't belong...and to choose to take action. It can create that fight, flight, or freeze feeling.

I'm hugely optimistic. Not just for myself. For you, for your possibilities. For what can happen for you if you take that first small step. Decide.Choose you. Choose fulfillment.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Playing it safe?