
I got the dreaded "your storage is almost full, soon you won't be able to send or receive messages" warning on my phone. Nothing was going to come in or go out unless I took some action.

Maybe you can relate? 

Every now and then, life can feel like that. If you continue to add things on top of the already big pile, eventually somethings going to have to give.  Despite what you may think, there's a tipping point for your capacity to take on new things.

But what if you really want to take those new things on?

With your phone? You can always purchase more capacity...but you're not a phone. 

There needs to be some sort of an assessment.

The concept that, in order to let something in, you may need to let something go. Sometimes it's quite literal...other times not so much.

Where in your life right now does it feel like things are brimming over and you don't have space on your hard drive for it?

Perhaps it's time to explore what's already there in that space.

Maybe it's old beliefs that aren't true anymore. Beliefs can be like that. Beliefs are limits you put on yourself. Yeah, that's the truth, all  beliefs are limiting because they filter out what we allow in and what we keep out.

Or maybe it's expectations you've been hanging onto? The idea that it was 'supposed to be this way'. Whether that's for you, others ...

Sometimes it's as simple as identifying something that's holding you back...that doesn't feel true for you anymore.

Other times it's redefining what you thought something meant. It's quite easy to get something wrong and upon reflection, say "whoa wait a minute!"... maybe that isn't what that meant after all. What are you ruling out because of this?

Taking inventory.

Unlike your phone, you're not necessarily going to get a warning. It may come up as a feeling: Restlessness, overwhelm, dissatisfaction... just trust when it starts coming up that now's the time.

What's going on for you right now? Everything good?

Is it time for a recalibration of sorts? 

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Here's your work and maybe not just for the week ahead... chances are you might want to take some time with this one. When you make a decision to assess, it takes thought and reflection.

What precedent have you set that no longer applies?

Make some space for what comes up and be prepared to let go of some things that no longer make sense for you.

What about all the day to day things?

They can have a sneaky way of taking up space.  Look at them, question them.  You may realize, oh yeah, yeah, this really does matter. I'm keeping this.

This is the thing. Taking inventory doesn't mean you toss out the things that add value. It's a good idea every now and then to stop and take a look.

What's no longer working for you that's taking up too much bandwidth?  Just like breathing, in order to bring new things in, sometimes you have to let something go first to make room.

Food for thought.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!


