Who are "they"?
The "they"...referenced in your head, sometimes they're specific people and often it's a generalization. Them. The 'they' that live in your head that truly only exist there.
How often does what 'they" say or think get in the way of your confidence or the ability to show up as 100% you? More often then maybe you'd like to admit. That's okay, you're normal and human. Caring what 'they' may think was a survival instinct in the long ago times. Maybe it wasn't described like that and certainly, staying within the boundaries of your tribe was the safe thing to do. The thing that literally kept you alive.
You're not in those times now but the tribal pull can be so strong.
What would they do? What would they think? Exhausting and, again, not really helpful for you and your confidence.
The more you grow your confidence, the more you're going to recognize how little 'they' actually matter.
And possibly more importantly, how little 'they' actually give a rat's ass about what you're doing. Truth. They're consumed with their own things, their own 'they team'. Maybe they hide it better than you do but it's probably there somewhere deep down.
So how do you get to the point where 'they' start to diminish in importance?
It's a process, a never ending process. You're not alone and the pain points that are keeping you from confidently showing up are pretty universal.
Ready to address some of them?
Are you ready?
Let's get to it...
Your challenge...
Pick a situation you're in right now where the pull to please "them" is putting the brakes on something you want to be, have or confidently do.
Let's identify and put to rest some of the most common things or ideas that can get in your way...
Self doubt...
This one's popular for sure. You're ready to do something and then you doubt your readiness because you aren't prepared enough or you're not as experienced as someone else.
Don't let you be your own biggest naysayer!
Don't you wish you could abolish this one?! The feelings are so real and yet they will step aside the minute you decide to take a step...despite what 'they' may think!
Definitely the thief of joy.
When you compare yourself to someone else it's often you comparing what they have to what you don’t have, when in fact, your super power is not that! You're not supposed to have what they have! You're supposed to be shining your brightness around.
Damn "they"! When the lights go down and the curtain comes up, it's all about you on the stage, and what you offer. Not you trying to be a second rate version of someone else. Recognizing that they feel the same way you do and are looking at you to shine so they can see the breadcrumb trail you're leaving is what it's all about.
Now get to it! Don't deny the world of you and your particular uniqueness. We need you!
Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!
Who are they…and why do you care?