Change isn't the enemy...your fear is...

The enemy isn't the change, the unfamiliar, or the unknown. The enemy is the fear of the change, the unfamiliar...the unknown.

Enemy sounds like a strong word...for purposes of this blog I use the definition of enemy to be: "a thing that harms or weakens something else, as in "fear is the enemy of change."

If you're working on making a change, you may recognize some of the feelings that can come up. The doubt, the idea of getting uncomfortable...because it is uncomfortable to make a change, even if it's for very good reasons. It still makes you uncomfortable. That's normal.  Our brains are biased towards the familiar. That's why you will hold on to and do the same things repeatedly, even if you're not satisfied with what they're getting you. The human condition.

There's no getting around it, even if you're a seasoned expert, when faced with making a change, you will always have that initial catching of the breath, the heart pitter patter, or maybe you feel it in your gut.

The difference with being a "seasoned change expert" is that you've built up your toolkit and you're quickly able to shift from the fear to:

  • Recognition.

    • Ah...there's those feelings.

  • Acknowledgement.

    • I know that this is a normal part of making a change.

  • Make a plan.

    • If you're good at change, you probably already have something you can rely on.

And if you're new with it? It takes more time, especially depending what it is that you want to do.

Recognizing, acknowledging, making a plan...the practice.

That's the focus for today. 

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

It's summer. I'm writing these blogs well in advance so as I write this, it's early July and you're going to read this in August. By the time you read this, changes that I've been thinking about will probably be made. That's because I'm practiced at this.

How about you? Where are you sitting on the fence about something, or really, really feeling like you want to make a change and you're struggling with moving from the familiar.

Here's your work this week:

  • Start by cutting yourself some slack.

    • All your responses are probably normal. Change will trigger fear and your natural propensity to stay with the familiar.

  • Take some time to recognize and acknowledge those very human feelings.

    • Know that this is a normal part of making a change.

  • Make a plan.

    • That plan may be one small step to seek some advice or input. It can be small.

  • Build on that step.

    • That's the beauty of small steps, when you commit to small, doable steps, the next one can be equally small.

You can do it.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Change isn’t the enemy…your fear is…