Are labels limiting you? Possibly...

Why do we always look for labels?

Probably because, from the moment we're born and learning to talk it matters that we have labels for things so we understand that: This is a shoe...this is a stick...this is a cup...

This makes perfect sense. These are fixed identifiers...for things.  A shoe is a shoe and will always be a shoe.

Where labels are less when you affix them to people.

  • They're difficult.

  • They're not competent.

  • They're unreliable.

  • They' fill in the blank.

Labels.  Used to explain someone's behaviour rather than exploring. We put limits on others when we label them.

But...what if it's YOU believing in, or attaching labels to yourself...putting limits on you and your potential?

In fairness, it's not necessarily your fault. Many of those labels have come from years ago by the people surrounding you, especially in your formative years. That's the first thing to let go realize that the labels you've worn for so long are someone else's projection on you. If those labels are weighing you down, or don't feel's time to take a look at them.

You're a grown up now and consequently, you get to decide what sticks and what doesn't. 

Probably the most important thing is looking at the labels that are getting in your way and to start questioning them.

The ones that are eroding your confidence and keeping you from doing the things you really want to do.

  • I'm not a risk taker.

  • I'm a victim.

  • I'm bad at ...

Who told you that? Pay attention. 

Taking the time to examine the labels that are holding you back can reveal what's really true for you. One by one, peeling off the ones that aren't true so that the real you can shine through.

This is work.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Identify one "label" that you've been wearing that's holding you back. One that you want to challenge.

Start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Who or what circumstance led to this label?

Look at that label again.

  • Take a deep breath and ask yourself: "Is this really true"? 

Once you ascertain this information, check in and ask yourself:

  • How is this label limiting me?

What's possible for me if I let this label go?

  • Allow the answer to come to mind.

Now what?

Probably the first thing is to notice what it feels like to decide that you're no longer going to identify with that label. Liberating? Scary? Something else?

By answering these questions one by one, you can peel off the labels that aren't true so that the real you can shine through. You've got this.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Are labels limiting you? Possibly…