Are you going to fit in or stand out?

What if you weren't meant to fit in? What if you were meant to stand up and shine? What would change for you?

That's a question, isn't it?  Or a few...

What if you're supposed to be the one blazing the trail and leaving breadcrumbs for the people behind you?

So many questions!  Do you have the answers?

If you're not feeling confident then often the thing that can pop up is "Who do you think you are"? Why should someone listen to you or want to follow in your footsteps? All of the bullsh*t that comes up...when you start questioning yourself...deciding that good enough just isn't good enough anymore. That's when you can expect all of the "things" to show up...the voices in your head, the old mindset that you know so well, and let's not forget the biggie...FEAR.

It goes back to playing small and let's face it, it's the most polite thing to do...right?! Don't get too big for your britches now eh? What the heck are "britches" anyway LOL?!

What if you wanna get too big for your britches? Now what?

What if you're ready to get out of those britches and step into something else?! It can be freaking scary and know that nothing great or earth-shattering comes from your comfort zone... from the  place of having it all figured out. Autopilot. Cozy, comfy...yawn. Nothing ever comes out of that. Sorry, folks...did I just say folks? How old am I!? Old enough to realize that this is true: The 'same old, same old' will give you the 'same old, same old'.

This is something I regularly come across, and not just with the people I comes up all of the time..people wanting something different and being afraid to do what needs to be done to have something different. Humans are complicated!

Unfortunately...when it comes to building your confidence, you can't build it by dreaming about it or wishing for takes work.

It takes work that may be uncomfortable at times. Let's be clear, if you're someone who always lets someone else run the show...and suddenly you decide that now's the time that you're going to show up, be prepared! Expect there to be a few ruffled feathers out there! And...that's okay!

Really. That's okay because at the end of the day, you're accountable for you...accountable for the choices you make, and yes, you have many choices!  It's just that staying with the safe choices seems so much easier and more comfortable, doesn't it?

Is it time to call out your sh*t?

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Time for some exploration.

  • Where are you standing on the sidelines...watching when you could be captain of the team?

    • Safely giving the commentary but not picking up the torch that you know you're ready to hold.

  • What's the dream that you have that you're too afraid to pursue because you'll suddenly be in the spotlight?

    • Your dreams are there for a reason, they're what can pull you forward and give you purpose and here's the rub, you're not necessarily supposed to achieve them. It's about who you become while you're going after them.  That's where the gold is.

  • Fast forward even just 5 years.

    • From this vantage point, what will you regret not doing? Ya, that thing. Now...what's one minuscule step you can take today to move you towards that thing? Do that. 

Are you ready to claim the thing that you are meant to be stand up and shine? I've got your back...let's go!

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Are you going to fit in or stand out?