You're only as strong as your weakest link...

I was doing a stretch after a workout the other day and the person leading the stretch experience said how important stretching was because "you're only as strong as your weakest link". You're probably scratching your head thinking...okay what the heck does this have to do with confidence?

I don't know...something popped that made me think this has a lot to do with confidence...

The links, the other components that may not seem that important. Those things. The things that hold the bigger structure together and give it backbone and flexibility. 

The foundation:

  • Mindset.

    • Knowing that you can change the way you look at things.

  • Trusting yourself.

    • Learning to discern your own voice amongst the din in your head.

  • Your ability to take action when you feel fear.

    • Wanting to freeze and doing it anyway.

These are the key ingredients for "The Confidence Recipe" and...there are the other components that go into the mix as well. The things that are easy to overlook and miss if you're not paying attention.

The other things that can easily slip and result in:

  • Unclear boundaries.

  • Needing validation.

  • Self doubt.

These are the things that can creep in and sabotage the bigger ones. The more subtle things that feed into your mindset, your self trust, and your propensity to take action.  The supporting actors so to speak.

This is a check up for you to see where you are right see if anything’s slipping…

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Take a moment now to check in with ...


  • How are you doing with setting and maintaining boundaries?

    • Remember that boundaries aren't for keeping people out... but for you to protect what matters to you, what's important to you, and keep that IN.

    • They're completely about you...

    • And, in case you've forgotten...  "The only people that will be upset about your boundaries are those that benefited from you having none!"... that's always a mic drop moment for me.

External validation:

  • Seeking external validation?

    • Notice when you fall into this behavior...who exactly are you seeking validation from?

    • What is it about their validation that matters for you?

    • Would you want to switch places with them? Something to ponder.


  • What are some of the causes?

    • Over thinking. 

    • Unrealistic expectations.

    • Perfection.

All of these lead to inaction and a lack of progression in building confidence.

Do you need a "confidence" check up?  Contact me and learn how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



You’re only as strong as your weakest link…