Trust the process? I'm too impatient for that!
It's human nature to want to skip the rough parts and jump to the end and I'm no different than you. Wanting it to be easy. I know it's a part of the process, my process, and maybe yours too.
Think about what makes for a good story...It's the dragon slaying that makes the cut, not when everything's going smoothly. We tend to share the challenges and how we overcame them. Is a story with no adventure or tension really a story? Yawn.
Last week's blog was the brutal truth about what was going on for me. Maybe it didn't seem so brutal for you but for me? I felt like I was letting my audience down. Not delivering the value I "should" be delivering. Who sets that standard anyway? Oh
Last week I had a blog about nothing because that's where I was at. I felt like I had hit some sort of dead end or roadblock. And I let the drama take over. "This is the end, I'll never have a creative idea again", and what I've learned is that when I put out there what's really going on it resonates. It resonates with you as another human being because you get those moments too I'm guessing.
So let's go there. Let's see if you can relate.
What prevents me from putting myself out there? A few fears for sure...big surprise:
What will they think if I don't have an idea to offer?
I'm supposed to be the expert so there are expectations I'm not meeting.
Let's be honest here, the judgement, the idea that I'm an expert and the expectations are all MINE! And you're no different. We all walk around with this idea that everyone else is judging us and truthfully, most people are consumed with themselves.
Everyone feels these things from time to time. But it sucks when it's happening to you.
I'm a fraud.
The fear that you're going to figure it out...that I don't know it all...and let's face it, I don't!
I live with contradiction.
My contradiction? I know I'm really good at what I do. Truth. Sometimes I doubt myself. Also truth. AND the two of them can exist together because as a human being no one, feels 100% on their game all of the time.
How about you? What's your contradiction?
So what can you do?
Are you ready?
Let's get to it...
Your challenge...
What's your contradiction? Where are you rushing to skip the rough part to get to the end?
Really noticing and acknowledging what's going on. You can't do anything without this step.
Ask yourself, what am I feeling about this?
Take a break. Allow things to come to you. Let something go if that feels right.
Next best step.
Which can mean you do absolutely nothing. For me? Being honest and letting that be it. Sharing my truth with you.
Recognize it's often just a blip in the system. Trying harder doesn't work. Pausing often does. Getting your bearings and assessing.
It's about knowing the difference between trusting "the process" versus trusting "your process". My guess is that at this stage of the game, you know what works for you. I know my process and I know it works for me...until it doesn't and that's when I take a pause and reassess. It's a practice.
How about you? If you don't have a process that's working, reach out. Let's figure it out together.
Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!