You have the power... you use it?

You have the power to bring out the best in someone else.

It's easy to underestimate your impact, your influence, on the life of someone else.

It should be obvious if you're in a leadership position but what can get missed, is the role that you play "outside" of your job.

What role?

Your role as a parent, relative, friend, child, partner, acquaintance...heck even in your role as a consumer at the grocery store! How you show up is influencing others...always. You're always one action away from lifting someone up or potentially tearing someone down.  It's that quick.

So how are you using this power, this influence that you have? Do you ever take a moment to check in?
Your words and your actions are constantly speaking, and somebody is always paying attention noticing...receiving.

What's different now when you think about that?

Maybe you've never thought of yourself that way before. Maybe now's the time to realize that no matter who you are, you're consistently influencing everything and everyone around you.

Quite a responsibility isn't it?

So now what? What are you gonna do with this new information? How can you bring out the best in someone else?

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

If you're just realizing this amazing human power that you have, here are a few things you may want to pay attention to:

  • How do you speak about yourself?

    • With kindness and acceptance?

  • How do you speak about others?

    • With compassion and understanding?

And probably more importantly...

  • How do you act?

    • This is the most telling thing of all.

  • People pay attention to the things you do, not the things you say.

    • Are they in alignment?


  • You can check-in with yourself and observe your own behaviours.

    • You need a lot of self-awareness to do this.

  • What might be more useful for you?

    • Check-in with your truth tellers* to find out if what you're doing and saying is congruent.

If it is...fantastic, and if it's not, that's where your work begins.

Remember, you have a really important role to play. It can't be underestimated.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



*remember, your truth tellers aren’t always your friends…

You have the power. Do you use it?