Do you want it to be better?

Why wouldn't you...

Some people just don't want things to be better...and that's okay. Maybe you're one of them?

You may say you want "it" to be better and, at every opportunity you say no to better and yes to the same.

Sound familiar?

I've worked with a lot of people over the past nine years and of course, I've had many conversations with people I don't work with. A funny thing can happen when you gently poke at something - a resistance, a defence mechanism - can sometimes come up when there's an opportunity to change a perspective, or to make something better.

I get it.

Despite there being a sense of dissatisfaction, there's comfort in what you know. It's certainly more comfortable than what you don't know,. Why try to improve a relationship, or any other situation that's not exactly as you would like it, when it's much easier to stay put? The path of least resistance...

There's always a benefit. I get pushback each and every time I ask someone: What's the benefit of staying in this situation? What's the benefit of condoning this behavior? What's the benefit of not speaking up? What's the benefit...because...there is one.

There may be legitimate reasons for why you're staying in a situation. That's what we uncover...when you're willing to go there.

Are you willing to go there?

Changing is difficult and can be confronting, and not just for other people but for you too. Especially when you're saying you're ready to create a better situation for yourself, you're ready to say no, or maybe something else? You're ready to stand up for yourself, you're ready to claim whatever it is you've been hiding from.

What do you want to claim?

Peace of mind, your power, your self esteem, your confidence? I'm sure you could add something here.

It's September...the freshness of a new season is always a good time to consider change.

Just like a tree sheds its leaves every fall.

A tree acknowledges that the leaves were definitely helpful at one time. There was a symbiotic relationship...they served each other...which is a beautiful thing. Come the fall, the leaves are no longer helping the tree, they're actually draining it, so the tree naturally lets them go.

What's something you're ready to let go of?

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

Think of a situation where you find yourself constantly asking, why am I doing this again? Maybe it's time to answer some tough questions.

  • Are you willing to let it go all together?

    • This may be too drastic, and worth asking nevertheless.

  • If you're not willing to let it go all together, are you willing to modify it so that it serves you better?

    • Probably a good first step.


No matter what your answer was, you have a decision to make. With any decision, any change, it starts with one small step.

You can do it, I can help.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Do you want it to be better? Why wouldn’t you…